Various .NG Third Levels
.NG is divided into various domain levels which serve different functions

  • .co.NG - for Companies
  • .org.NG - for Not-for-Profit-Making Organisations or NGO's
  • .net.NG - for Network Devices
  • .gov.NG - for Government Entities(Requires Supporting Documents)
  • .edu.NG - for Institutions of Higher Educations.( Requires Supporting Documents)
  • .sch.NG - for Lower and Middle Institutes of Learning. (Requires Supporting Documents)
  • .name.NG - for Personal names
  • .mobi.NG - for Mobile content
  • .i.NG - for Information

Supporting Documents
Some of the Domain Name extensions require "Supporting Documents" in order for them to be registered. These are: 



The .edu.ng SLD is a closed one and reserved for ONLY tertiary academic institutions as approved and accredited by the relevant authorities like Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC), National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), NCCE and any other body as recognized by the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Documentation Requirement - Authorization Letter, Evidence of Accreditation 

Registration Procedure Authorization Letter on the Institution's Letterhead to be addressed to (NIRA)

Nigeria Internet Registration Association 8, Funsho Williams Avenue, Iponri, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria

The letter should state your authorization to register the domain on behalf of the Institution, the domain they want to register and the nameservers of the domain. The letter should be scanned and sent to domainhosting.com.ng It should also contain the details of the Admin Point of Contact (from the Institution) as listed below:

Contact Address,
Phone Numbers,
Postal Code

Universities - NUC Accreditation Letter

Polytechnics and Federal Colleges of Education - NBTE Accreditation Letter

On approval, payment can then be made to us for registration.




Before you place an order for a .gov.ng domain, please take note of the following:

Only state government entities can register .gov.ng domains with us.

State government entities MUST register for a fourth-level domain under a state's third-level domain to the extent such an option is available (e.g. .lg.gov.ng for Lagos state).

Cities and townships CANNOT register a local program/initiative, such as a local library, etc

Cities and townships may denote the state abbreviation after the city or township name, preferably separated by a hyphen.

Generic names are not allowed. (eg. shipping.lg.gov.ng  is not allowed).

The domain name used must be short and easy to remember (e.g. moj.lg.gov.ng instead of lagosstateministryofjustice.gov.ng)

Registration process

To register a .gov.ng, you have to send a scanned letter on the letterhead of the ministry or state government parastatal that plans to register the domain name to us The letter must contain the domain name to be registered (confirm that the domain of choice meets all criteria by sending a mail to us with the proposed domain name before preparing this letter) and the name of the person authorized to register the domain.

This authorized person must be working at the ministry and the following details should be stated in the letter

Full name of the authorized person
Email address
Phone number
Contact address

Once this has been sent, your request would be vetted and NITDA would proceed to confirm that your request is genuine. It should take about 1 week for your domain to be registered and activated.

  • domains, domain registration, domain registration requirement, .edu.ng registration, .edu.ng domain, .edu.ng domain requirement
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