Unable to Access my site?
We receive lots of queries from our client saying that why i'm not being able to access my site. One of the major reason of such queries is the security enrichment of Bergehost. We have several modified DDOS protector which scans for established connection made on the server and blocks using firewall if a limit is crossed. One of base reason of getting trapped in such issues are having spywares, malwares, bots, malicious scripts on desktop, vulnerable script on server etc. If such things happen then the easy solution is to contact support with the IP location of customer. IP location can be found by going to http://www.checkmyip.com - a support staff can immediately take a look into the issue and solve the matter asap. Although, we have made several changes and modification in our script in last few months and found less trapping with higher AI in the current one. We are also working in developing a system through which client can know whether his IP is blocked or not using a database query.