Smart Questions, Smart Answers !

Q : Where are you Servers located ?
A : Our Servers are located in 9 different locations of the world.

Q : Is Warez Linking / Legal Adult Sites Allowed ?
A : Yes, we allow Warez Linking & legal adult sites.

Q : Do you have a Money Back Guarantee ?
A : Yes, we have a 25-Day Money Back Guarantee on all our packages.

Q : What Payment Options you Accept ?
A : We Accept  BankWire/Bank Transfers and paystalk.

Q : How long it takes to Setup my Account ?
A : Your Account will be Setup instantly, however the maximum is 2 to 4 Hours (Because of creditcard verification).

Q : What about DMCA Complains ?
A : If we get any serious DMCA Complains we will forward it to You.

Q : Do you Support Free Site Transfers ?
A : Yes, we support Free Site Transfers (Remote Transfers - Root).

?האם התשובה שקיבלתם הייתה מועילה 10 משתמשים שמצאו מאמר זה מועיל

מאמרים קשורים

Do you support AJAX / JavaScript / ASP / ASP.NET on your servers?

Yes, both AJAX and JavaScript are supported on our servers. We dont support ASP and ASP.NET...

How Do I Register a Domain Name?

Registering a domain name is very easy.First you will have to make sure that the domain you want...

What is uptime ? What is your uptime guarantee?

Uptime is literally what it means - it is the amount of time your site is online throughout the...

Why would I need a dedicated IP?

For most people, a dedicated IP is not required. But for people that want to provide anonymous...

Will there be forced advertising on my site?

Not at all. You are paying for webspace that is only yours - no one may put ads on your site...